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User-Centred Requirements Handbook

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Phase 1. User context and Early design

1.1 Summarise project


The development of a new or existing system will normally take place as a 'project'. It is important for the user requirements analyst to gain a high level understanding of the project and the reason for the system development taking place. It then becomes possible to understand how this will affect the user population.

The information may be obtained by interviewing the project manager. More details may be drawn from a 'system proposal document' or a document giving an initial statement of requirements, and obtaining clarification where needed.


To support the creation of a project summary, form 1.1 may be used.*

*Note 1 - Throughout Part B, the recommended Forms are shown (as below) with example data. This is a 'new ergonomic bank machine' which can be offered to banks to provide new facilities and attract new customers who traditionally are wary of using bank machines.

The parts of each form which the requirements analyst will complete are shown in italics.

*Note 2 - Blank Master Copies of the recommended Forms throughout Part B are given in Appendix 3.

Form 1.1 - Project summary from users' viewpoint (Example)

1.1 Project Summary
Questions Assumptions
What is the system or service? New ergonomic bank machine
What functions or services is it intended for the system to provide? Traditional services of cash withdrawal, statement, balance, ordering chequebook etc. Possible new services include getting change, requesting a loan, transferring money between accounts etc.
What are the aims of the project?
  • to provide an increased range of services to bank customers via bank machines.
  • to offer a reliable service with the machines out of operation for less time.
  • to offer a more secure service and safe service.
Who is the system intended for? (Target market) Banks and building societies.
Who will use the system? The general public, especially encouraging new users such as the elderly and disabled.
Why is the system needed? To promote the wider use of bank machines in a competitive market.
Where will the system be used? Outside banks and standalone in public locations such as in stations, airports, shopping malls, etc.
How will the system be used? The current method will be used i.e. the user will follow instructions on screen and make inputs via a keypad. However other methods of input (speech, remote handset) or output (speech, Braille screen etc.) may be considered.
How will the user obtain the system? Not applicable.
How will the user learn to use the system? Via short leaflet or on-screen guidance. System should be intuitive enough not to require much learning.
How will the system be installed? System pre-installed on bank machine.
How will the system be maintained? Via 'state-of-health' interface. Bank staff will be prompted to carry out basic maintenance. Engineers will correct major faults.

1.2 Identify users and stakeholders
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